Dear Parents/Carers
I hope you and your families had an enjoyable holiday period with your families.
Prior to the Christmas holidays, I wrote to you with details about learners testing using the lateral flow devices (LFD) prior to their return to school this week. That still remains the case but there are some changes to the frequency of testing going forward which I will detail as well as some changes to the self-isolation requirements.
The guidance from the Welsh Government is that learners should now test three times a week and so we ask that learners test using LFD on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday evening. This advice has changed from a communication yesterday. The reporting of the result on the NHS website remains unchanged https://www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result as does the reporting of a positive result to school on admin@lliswerryhigh.org If the LFD result is positive, then a PCR test must be booked and the results communicated to school on the above email address.
Previously you may have not opted into the LFD testing process for your child. If you now wish for them to do so simply complete this form https://forms.gle/fddCR12dphF9Et6a8 and this will ensure that they receive the boxes of LFD going forward.
The Welsh Government have now updated their guidance over self-isolation. If your child has a positive lateral flow test or any Covid-19 symptoms, they should not attend school. A PCR test must be booked for as soon as possible and begin to self-isolate. If the subsequent PCR test is positive, they must self-isolate from the day symptoms started and for at least 7 full days.
The self-isolation period includes the day symptoms started (or the day of the PCR test, if they do not have symptoms) and the next 7 full days. If your child did not originally have symptoms when the PCR was taken but they develop whilst self-isolating, the 7 days restarts from the day after symptoms started. The self-isolation period ends on day 8 as long as the LFD test taken on day 6 and another 24 hours later are both negative.
If either of the LFDs taken on day 6 or day 7 is positive, they should remain in self-isolation until 2 negative LFDs or day 10 whichever is sooner.
The guidance has also changed for close contacts of someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 and this includes their siblings. An LFD test should be taken before leaving for school every day for 7 days or until 10 days since the last contact with the person who tested positive if that is earlier. All test results should be reported to the NHS website and school as detailed above.
If one of the LFD tests is positive then a PCR must be booked for within 24 hours and self-isolation begins. If the PCR is positive, the 7 full days of self-isolation begins from the date the LFD test was taken. If the PCR is negative, then there is no requirement to continue to self-isolate but do continue with the daily LFD testing.
For full details on the self-isolation please review the following link https://gov.wales/self-isolation
Finally, please can you also ensure that we have up to date contact details, on occasions learners are developing Covid-19 symptoms whilst in school and so it is vital that we are able to contact you immediately.
Welsh Government are continually reviewing their guidance and therefore we will immediately update you with regards to any further changes as soon as we become aware.
Best wishes,
Mrs L Evans
Senior Assistant Headteacher