Headteacher’s Update 31/01/25
Headteacher’s Update 24/01/25
Headteacher’s Update 17/01/25
Mobile Phone Policy – 15/01/25
Dear Parent/Carer,
I am writing to you as we making some important changes to our mobile phone policy from 27 January 2025. This will put us in line with all other Newport secondary schools. We understand that mobile phones and technology are now a key part of modern life, but we want to ensure that they do not have a detrimental impact on school life.
Mobile phones can have huge benefits but, for young people, they also represent a risk when used unwisely. Evidence shows that excessive use of mobile phones, including social media and gaming apps, can lead to screen addiction, which can negatively impact mental health by causing anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances. In several studies, it has been noted that more people claim to feel happier when they take part in non-screen-based tasks as opposed to those who are on their phones constantly. Constant usage can also lead to feelings of depression.
In school, mobile phones interfere with teaching and learning in lessons and significantly impact on learners’ ability to concentrate and make progress. They also prevent young people from socialising effectively with one another.
For these reasons and in line with all other Newport secondary schools, our new policy is for all phones and devices to be switched off and kept out of sight whilst on the site. Here is a link to the full policy.
We recognise that they may be needed for the journey to and from school each day but they must be stored appropriately throughout the school day e.g. in a bag or pocket. In a waist band or up a sleeve is not an acceptable storage location.
This is for all learners; however, Years 12 & 13 will be able to use mobile phones in the common room ONLY. Their phones must be off and out of sight in line with all other years when they leave the common room and enter the main school building This will be reviewed over the next term and updated as needed in the summer term.
As a school, we have given much thought to how we manage mobile phones.
Gate to Gate
From Monday 27 January 2025, mobile phones will not be able to be used during school hours. All mobile devices, speakers, headphones, earphones, ear pods and earbuds must be switched off and out of sight before they enter the school gates. Their use will not be permitted at any time throughout the school day. Mobile phones can be switched back on and used once learners leave the school through the school gates at the end of the school day.

If a device is seen or heard at any point within the school day it will be immediately confiscated. This includes if devices are seen as part of any review of CCTV.
Learners will be able to collect any confiscated items at the end of the day.
In line with our behaviour policy;
- If a learner refuses to hand their phone over after 3 times of asking, they will be sent to the Inclusion Room for a period of 5 hours.
- Refusal to go to the Inclusion Room will result in a half day fixed-term exclusion with the day in A46 completed upon their re-admittance to the school.
In order to give learners time to adjust, during the week of Monday 20th January – Friday 24th January we will be having a digital detox week. During this week, should a device be seen or heard in the school building, during lesson times or lesson changeover they will be reminded of the new rules.
I would appreciate any questions you have regarding the new policy, using the link below, by Monday 20 January so that we can support you and your children.
I have added some frequently asked questions below however I will update these it based on your feedback.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Julia Fitzgerald
Mark Sadler
Chair of Governors
Mobile Phone Policy FAQs
What if I need to contact my child or they need to contact me?
- We have a specific and dedicated reception team with a phone that can be used to contact home for whatever reason.
- In the same way, parents/carers can ring the school to speak to their child if they need to. In primary schools, emergencies/contact with parents is managed in this way and the lack of mobile phones does not cause an issue.
My child has a diagnosed additional learning need and uses their phone to self-regulate. What should I do?
- You will be contacted by Mr. White or your child’s Head of Year to discuss how this will be managed.
My child uses their phone for medical reasons (to monitor blood sugars for example).
- You will be contacted by your child’s Head of Year to discuss how this will be managed.
My child uses their phone to check their timetable.
- All learners will be given a a printed timetable to keep with them.
- Form tutors will go through which lessons learners have at the start of each day.
- Printed timetables are available in several locations around the school for learners to check their lessons before school, at break and lunchtime.
- Teachers will check that learners know where their next lesson is at the end of their lesson.
Can staff use phones in front of students?
- We aim to model the behaviours we expect from learners. Staff and site visitors will also refrain from personal phone use in all public areas of the school.
Headteacher’s Update 10/01/25
Headteacher’s Update 20/12/24
Sixth Form Progress Evening – Online Appointment Booking
Dear Parent/Carer
I would like to invite you to attend our Year 12 / Year 13 Progress Evening at Lliswerry High School Thursday 16th January 2025 from 3.30pm to 6:30pm to discuss your child’s progress and how best to support them in Sixth Form.
The school is using an online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your own appointment time with your child’s subject teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointment(s). Any feedback on this system is welcome.
Appointments can be made from 2pm on Friday 20th December 2024 and will close at 2pm on Thursday 16th January 2025. Should you wish to make any changes after this date please contact the school office.
Please visit https://lliswerryhigh.parentseveningsystem.co.uk to book your appointments. (A short guide on how to add appointments is linked below.)
Login with the following information:
Learner’s First Name: Your child’s first name
Learner’s Surname: Your child’s surname
Learner’s Date of Birth: Your child’s date of birth
If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the school office who will be happy to add appointments on your behalf.
Yours sincerely,
Ms S. E. Lewis
Director of Post 16
Headteacher’s Update 13/12/24
Headteacher’s Update 06/12/24
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