Dear Parent/Carer,
As you know there are many benefits of social media when used responsibly, offering an easy way to communicate and connect with people and access to a wide variety of online material. However, as we also know, when used irresponsibly it can cause significant problems and potentially put children at risk from the actions of others. This is relevant both in and out of school of course.
It is important to stress that most of our learners use social media safely and responsibly. Unfortunately, we continue to have to respond to issues in school caused by the online activities of a small number of learners, which puts them or others at risk and can create significant issues in school.
One of the most common challenges schools face is when learners post unpleasant, insulting or offensive messages on social media or engage in what could constitute cyber bullying. Occasionally, a learner may also use social media to incite other learners to undertake unacceptable behaviour (in or out of school). Sometimes these messages are sent privately or in a closed group online, but then get shared beyond the intended recipients. Unfortunately, the repercussions of these actions then impact negatively in school and can cause serious incidents when the people involved are in the same environment.
Your support in helping us to address this is greatly appreciated. As a parent of two teenagers I understand the challenges around supporting your child’s online activities, in order to keep them safe and in monitoring their responsible use of social media. The Government and the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) have useful guides and links for parents and carers to support with this:
The UK Safer Internet Centre also provides helpful and practical advice at
These links tend to focus more upon helping to ensure that your child does not become at risk from the actions of others online. However, we also appreciate your help in monitoring their responsible use of social media platforms. Thank you for your support and understanding with this matter. If you would like any further advice or support in relation to supporting online safety, please don’t hesitate to contact us on
Best wishes,
N Davies