School Car Park
Dear Parent/Carer
I would like to remind you all that non-school staff vehicles are prohibited from entering the school car park, especially during the start and end of the school day.
If you are dropping your children off please park on the main road outside and away from the school gates themselves. A large number of our learners access the site either on foot or on bikes at this time of day and there is an increased risk of accidents with the traffic we are currently experiencing.
The school has CCTV covering the whole site and dangerous driving will be identified and reported as appropriate.
Access is only permitted to taxis or those parents/carers supporting learners with access issues.
Thank you for your understanding,
Julia Fitzgerald
Autumn Newsletter 2023
School Update
Dear Parent/Carer,
As I will soon be stepping down as Headteacher of Lliswerry High School it was necessary to undertake a recruitment process in order to appoint our next Headteacher. This recruitment process took place over the course of the last month and was completed yesterday. It was extremely rigorous and the final stage involved members of the school’s Governing Body, staff, learners, senior Local Authority officers and the Deputy Director of the Education Advisory Service.
As a result of this process, I am extremely pleased to inform you that Miss Julia Fitzgerald has been successful in her application and will take up her new role as Headteacher from January 1st 2024. Miss Fitzgerald is already working in Lliswerry as Head of School of course and it is fantastic that we will have the continuity this brings as I hand over the Headship to her at the end of this term. This is an excellent appointment for our school, as I have no doubt whatsoever that Miss Fitzgerald will do an outstanding job on behalf of our learners, our staff and our community as a whole.
Best wishes,
N Davies
Executive Headteacher
Social Media – School Communication
Dear Parent/Carer,
As you know there are many benefits of social media when used responsibly, offering an easy way to communicate and connect with people and access to a wide variety of online material. However, as we also know, when used irresponsibly it can cause significant problems and potentially put children at risk from the actions of others. This is relevant both in and out of school of course.
It is important to stress that most of our learners use social media safely and responsibly. Unfortunately, we continue to have to respond to issues in school caused by the online activities of a small number of learners, which puts them or others at risk and can create significant issues in school.
One of the most common challenges schools face is when learners post unpleasant, insulting or offensive messages on social media or engage in what could constitute cyber bullying. Occasionally, a learner may also use social media to incite other learners to undertake unacceptable behaviour (in or out of school). Sometimes these messages are sent privately or in a closed group online, but then get shared beyond the intended recipients. Unfortunately, the repercussions of these actions then impact negatively in school and can cause serious incidents when the people involved are in the same environment.
Your support in helping us to address this is greatly appreciated. As a parent of two teenagers I understand the challenges around supporting your child’s online activities, in order to keep them safe and in monitoring their responsible use of social media. The Government and the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) have useful guides and links for parents and carers to support with this:
The UK Safer Internet Centre also provides helpful and practical advice at
These links tend to focus more upon helping to ensure that your child does not become at risk from the actions of others online. However, we also appreciate your help in monitoring their responsible use of social media platforms. Thank you for your support and understanding with this matter. If you would like any further advice or support in relation to supporting online safety, please don’t hesitate to contact us on
Best wishes,
N Davies
Headteacher Update

Dear Parent/Carer,
I am writing to inform you that after just over six years as Headteacher of Lliswerry High School I will be standing down from my position at the end of this term. The Local Authority and school staff are already aware of my intentions and I will be informing learners in assembly next week. Therefore, it is appropriate that I should also inform you at this point. The recruitment process for my successor is about to get underway and the intention is that the successful candidate will take up their role at the beginning of January 2024. This will also be the end of my current role as Executive Headteacher of both Lliswerry and Llanwern High Schools.
I know that whoever is appointed will be very fortunate, as throughout the achievements and the challenges of the past six and a bit years I have had the honour of working with fantastic staff, supportive Governors and wonderful learners. I am also grateful to parents and carers who have given so much support throughout this time.
During the recruitment process and remainder of this term we will ensure that we do not allow the Headteacher recruitment process to be a distraction and we will continue to strive for improvement in all areas. I will update you on the outcome of the recruitment process in due course.
Best wishes,
N Davies
Lliswerry High School
Vaccinations for Young People – Public Health Wales
Vaccination is one of the most important things we can do to protect children and young people against ill health. The Welsh Government and Public Health Wales have developed the following guide to vaccinations for young people. The guide explains when and how vaccinations are offered to young people in school years 7 to 11 (ages 11 to 16) and why they are so important.
Parents and carers are asked to read the guide. In addition, when each vaccination is due you will receive information from the school about the vaccination being offered along with a consent form. Please also read this information and return the consent form as soon as possible, so that your child receives the best protection they can have against these serious diseases.
Extra-Curricular Sports Clubs
Stranger Danger
As we start the new school year, we’d like to remind our learners about safety to and from school.
Whilst not every stranger is a threat of course, please speak with your child once again about the potential dangers a stranger could pose and about their safety to and from school.
Advise them not to walk on their own wherever possible and especially if it is dark. If your child feels threatened in any way whilst making their way to or from school (or outside of those times of course), they should call 999 and inform the police immediately.
The website has advice on advising your child about ‘stranger danger’ (and many other topics also)
Mrs J Bartley
Acting Senior Assistant Headteacher
School Update
Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope you had an enjoyable summer and I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you back to a new autumn school term. I’d also like to update you on a few things as we start back:
You may be aware from the media that concerns have been raised about the safety of ‘reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete’ (RAAC), that has been used in the construction industry in the past. Based on current information, Newport City Council does not believe this issue affects its estate and that includes Lliswerry High School of course. Work has been undertaken in many schools across the city in recent years and RAAC has not been detected. However, the local authority will be fully cooperating with the Welsh Government’s decision to survey all schools and colleges. The local authority want to reassure parents, staff and service users that there are no immediate concerns, but if the further surveys do raise any potential issues, action will be taken as a priority.
We are aware that there is a need to review our school uniform policy and the Governing Body will commence this process this term. This review will also consider our uniform expectations in warmer weather. We will consult with learners, parents and carers regarding any potential changes and should there be any changes they will be implemented with plenty of notice and as sensitively as possible in respect of cost. We will update you in due course regarding our school uniform review as we move forward. In the meantime, please remember that our pre-loved uniform shop will be available for you to access should you wish to do so. To access our pre-loved uniform shop, please make contact with our Family Engagement Officer (Mrs Natalie Davies) via email at, who will be able to support you further.
Parent/Carer Communication and Conduct
Firstly, I would like to emphasise that most of our parents/carers are fantastic in their support for the school and in the reasonable and polite way that they raise any concerns they may have. However, last year saw an increase in the incidents of verbal and physical aggression/abuse towards school staff by a small number of parents/carers. This has already happened once again this week on two separate occasions. This is incredibly saddening and something I’m sure you would agree is absolutely unacceptable. It is now standard protocol for us to report any incidents of aggression (verbal or physical) towards staff to the police. Further school action could also be taken such as restrictions on contacting school staff or ultimately being banned from school site altogether. Ultimately, these things are a last resort and we will do all we can to avoid having to take these actions. An ‘acceptable conduct’ policy for parent/carer interaction with school staff will be reviewed by our Governing Body next week and shared on our website following this. We value our communication with parents and carers and want to keep a two-way dialogue in place. However, as in places such as the NHS or in any other workplace, I’m sure you would agree that our staff should not be expected to tolerate abuse or to feel threatened or intimidated. Thank you for your understanding and support with this.
Attendance and Punctuality
Improving our whole school attendance and punctuality is a priority for us this year and we would like to thank you in advance for your support with this. Whilst we understand that sometimes learners will not be well enough to attend school, the attendance image below tells its own story in terms of the impact of absence upon learner progress.

High levels of attendance to school also gets learners into good ‘habits’ for when they enter the world of work. School starts at 8.30am and learners should be in their tutor rooms for that time. If you have any concerns or would like some support in relation to your child’s attendance or punctuality, please don’t hesitate to contact their Head of Year.
Parent/Carer – Senior Leader Meetings
Last term we started our meetings between parents/carers and senior school leaders. These meetings were very constructive and helped greatly in developing a two-way understanding of the positives and any areas of concern for parents. It was also a great opportunity for ideas to be shared on future improvements in school. We are committed to continuing these meetings this year once again. Talking of positives……
I would like to finish by emphasising that it has already been a very positive start to the new term. Year 7 learners are settling in well and whilst having only been in school for two and a half days have already amassed a fantastic 4,275 positive behaviour points! Across the school our other year groups have contributed to a total of over 11,000 positive behaviour points in the overall total achieved by our learners so far. This is incredible considering Years 8 – 11 only returned to school yesterday. Please do discuss this with your child as (if they are like my own children) they may not tell you about the ‘positives’ they’ve been awarded this week so far! Please remember that you can also check your child’s ClassCharts entries, where their behaviour points are recorded. If you would like further information or support in doing this, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at
Best wishes,
N Davies
Executive Headteacher
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