Easter Newsletter 2023
Alumni Letter to Parents and Carers

Dear Parents and Carers,
Did you or someone you know attend Lliswerry High School? We would value your help to inspire current learners to become more confident, motivated, and inspired about their future careers.
There is extensive research highlighting the benefits to learners of employer role model engagement in schools. In their 2019 research, Insights, and Inspiration; Exploring the Impact of Guest Speakers in Schools, the charity Education and Employers reported:
* 91% of learners surveyed reported increased levels of motivation, understanding of careers and self-belief after listening to employer guest speakers.
* 88% of learners said they were helped to understand that everyone needs to overcome setbacks in pursuit of their career goals.
* Learners who could not recall any encounters with employers were 5 times more likely to believe that their background held them back from achieving their ambitions.
* Free school meal (FSM) students typically benefitted more than non-FSM students
Research also shows that engagement with employer role models who attended the same school, and experienced similar barriers to current learners, is even more valuable.
By becoming part of the ‘alumni community’ at Lliswerry High School and depending on the amount of time you would like to commit, you can support the school and its learners in a range of ways:
* Give a talk to a small group of learners about your career or your industry
* Deliver a presentation to a large group of learners or at open days or special events
* Host a visit for a group of learners to your workplace
* Join a lesson in a specific subject to talk about how the subject is relevant to your work
* Host a work experience placement for a learner at your workplace
* Film a vlog about your experiences of school and your career to date
* Attend mock interviews or support a Careers Fayre
Register your interest here – [EN] Community Alumni
If you would like to find out more, please contact Heidi Purnell 07890 274901 – Heidi.Purnell@careerswales.gov.wales
Best wishes,
Mrs L Evans
Senior Assistant Headteacher
Preloved School Clothes

Attendance and Fixed Penalty Information
Dear Parents and Carers of Learners at Lliswerry High School
We want the best for all Newport children and young people and we would like to remind you of the importance of good attendance at school.
What is good attendance?
The recommendation from Welsh Government is that good attendance is at least 95% and we expect this of most children. Out of 365 days in a year, schools are open to pupils 190 days which allows 175 designated days for parents to take holidays, dental/medical appointments and other non-urgent appointments.
What are the advantages of good attendance?
Attending school has the benefit of:
* Keeping up with school work
* Ensuring that children meet their expected progress
* Meeting friends and learning and playing together
* Learning key skills needed for adult life such as regular attendance and arriving on time.
What are the consequences of poor attendance?
* Your child will fall behind in their learning and miss out on key concepts taught.
* Lack of social contact in school; difficulty in maintaining friendship groups.
* Low self-esteem and poor pupil well-being.
* Statistics show that poor attendance can be linked directly to low attainment in National tests.
Regular attendance is required by law. Following the pandemic, the Welsh Government has re-introduced the use of Fixed Penalty Notices for non-school attendance. Schools in Newport will resume their use of Fixed Penalty Notices to ensure children and young people are accessing their education. This can be issued for any absences not authorised by the school, including holidays. Newport City Council will issue these notices when concerns are raised by EWO, school or the police. The fine is £120 unless paid within 28 days when it is £60.
If your child is absent for any reason, please contact the school to explain why.
If you need help and advice with any difficulties, contact the Education Welfare Service on 01633 210615 or email inclusionadmin.support@newport.gov.uk
[Read more…]Newsletter Summer 2022
School Uniform for September 2022
Dear Parent/Carer,
There have been no major changes to our school uniform policy, so please bear our uniform rules in mind when purchasing new uniform items over the summer. Trousers must not be skin tight or jean type and skirts should not be tight fitting and should be a maximum of 7cm above the knee. Currently the length of some girls’ skirts is not appropriate for school, however we have not asked parents/carers to purchase new skirts so close to the end of term. No leggings are to be worn. Please see the images below.

All learners must wear a Lliswerry High School blazer and should they be cold they can add a Lliswerry High School branded black jumper. This does not however replace the blazer. A school tie must also be worn at all times and footwear should be plain black.
The school PE kit remains the same and can be seen below.
Female – Compulsory – Polo-shirt, either skort or shorts or leggings, and socks

Male – Compulsory – T-shirt, shorts, and socks plus optional rugby jersey

All learners have the option of purchasing a hoodie as well as having their initials printed on their kit too (no names or nicknames). This would be at an additional change.
The only change in our uniform policy is around jewellery where, after listening to our learners, we now allow 1 small nose stud. Large hoop or dangling earrings, bars, nose rings or any other facial piercings are still not permitted.
The uniform policy is part of the school’s drive to raise standards and helps ensure that learners feel part of our school community and take pride in their appearance. Full details about the uniform requirements can be found on the school website at https://lliswerryhigh.org/parents/uniform/.
From September, if a learner is not wearing correct and appropriate uniform, as per the school’s uniform policy, parents/carers will be expected to bring appropriate uniform items to school. If a learner persistently attends school in incorrect uniform, they may be placed in our Inclusion Room (IR). Obviously, we do not want either of these scenarios to happen, so we would ask that you work with us and support the school with this matter.
We appreciate that buying school uniform can be expensive. If the cost of school uniform is likely to be problematic for you, please do contact us on admin@lliswerryhigh.org or contact your child’s Head of Year so that we can assist you if possible. Many thanks for your support and understanding with this.
Yours sincerely
Mr D Jackson
Assistant Headteacher (Wellbeing, Inclusion and Equity)
Letter to Parents / Carers – Covid Rules Update

Dear Parents and Carers,
New advice came into effect yesterday, 28th March regarding self-isolation if a person tests positive for Covid-19. However, the guidance for schools has not changed and it is a requirement for learners to self-isolate if they return a positive test. Learners should self-isolate for a full 5 days from the onset of symptoms or a positive lateral flow if asymptomatic. Then take a lateral flow on day 5 and 6 and if both are negative they can leave isolation. This will be the situation until the 8th April which is the end of term. From the 8th April, is it advised that anyone with symptoms of Covid-19 takes a lateral flow test and follows the self-isolation procedures.
The routine asymptomatic testing using lateral flows is also due to end on the 8th April. Therefore, when we return to school on the 25th April we will no longer be issuing lateral flow testing kits. For a period of time they will continue to be available from pharmacies and to order online at https://www.gov.uk/order-coronavirus-rapid-lateral-flow-tests
Best wishes,
Mrs L Evans
Senior Assistant Headteacher
Ready to Learn – Letter to Parents/Carers

Dear Parent/Carer,
Our mission is to enable all learners to make progress appropriate to their ability in every lesson. We want our learners to be successful and to be:
* ambitious, capable learners ready to learn throughout their lives
* enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work
* ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world
* healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.
In order to achieve this, we need a learning environment that allows teachers to teach and learners to learn. However, like all schools, we have a small number of learners who disrupt teaching and learning for others – I’m sure you would agree that this is not fair and it is not acceptable. If children are to have the best chance of becoming successful adults, they must have every opportunity to access education successfully.
I have consulted with learners (representatives from every tutor group in Years 7 to 11), staff, the local authority and the Governing Body regarding this matter.
As a result, we are amending our behaviour for learning processes (to be called Ready to Learn or ‘R2L’) from Monday 21st March, so that any disruptive learners are not able to repeatedly stop others from making progress each day. Our ‘Ready to Learn’ approach to behaviour for learning supports our mission. This, in turn, enables our learners to develop and display the ambition, belief, determination and resilience needed to be successful in school and thereby successful after they leave school.
Ready to Learn is a whole school behaviour for learning approach which covers all aspects of school life. It is a set of protocols that are used successfully in many secondary schools.
The aims of Ready to Learn are:
1. To prevent or remove disruptive behaviour, so that there is a culture of achievement, ambition and learning everywhere in the school, and no learning time is wasted
2. To provide clarity for staff and learners about acceptable behaviour and the consequences of misbehaviour
3. To encourage learners to take responsibility for their own actions
4. To enable teachers to deliver engaging and creative lessons, experiment and take risks and achieve the objectives of the curriculum for Wales
Rules for learners in the classroom
Always in lessons:
* Arrive on time – typically within 5 minutes of lesson start time
* Follow staff instructions, including sitting where told
* Start your bell task (lesson starter) immediately, in silence
* Listen and speak to others respectfully
* Keep off task conversations for social times
* Work in silence when adults ask you to (this enables vital exam practice)
* Stay in your seat unless told otherwise
* No eating or drinking, other than water
* Don’t call out or distract others – allow others to learn
* No mobile phones unless given permission by your teacher
If a learner does not follow our school rules in a lesson, an adult will tell them that they have a “warning (W1)” and their name will be written on the board. If they break a further rule, a W2 will be issued and a ‘x2’ added to their name on the board. Learners are already very familiar with the ‘W1’, ‘W2’ system of warnings for unacceptable behaviour.
If they do not follow the rules for a third time (after a second warning (W2) has been awarded), they will be sent to undertake their work in the Inclusion Room (I.R.) for five lessons. This will support them to focus on their own learning and prevent them from disrupting others. Arrangements will of course be made for learners in the Inclusion Room to have their food and drink during their break and lunch times, including having access to the school canteen. Any learner who does not attend their normal lesson and truants internally will also be referred to the Inclusion Room for the same time period.
If a learner is sent to the Inclusion Room, parents or carers will be contacted via the School Comms app or via a text message. It is therefore essential that we have an up to date contact phone number for you and that you have downloaded the School Comms app. Please e-mail us at admin@lliswerryhigh.org if you need to update your contact details or require help downloading the School Comms app.
Learners will remain in the Inclusion Room until 3.15 for a short detention on the day they are sent there. This will give the member of staff who referred them time to meet with them and discuss any issues and to move forward ready for their next lesson together. After being sent to the Inclusion Room, should a learner refuse to leave the classroom their after school detention will be extended by 15 minutes.
If a learner continues to be disruptive whilst in the Inclusion Room, parents/carers will be contacted and a further consequence will be issued. This could be a referral to A41 (internal exclusion room) or an external fixed term exclusion. Upon completion of this, a meeting will be held with parents/carers and the learner will then be expected to complete their time in the Inclusion Room.
Our aim is for no learner to have to be removed from a lesson. However, I know that you want your child to have every opportunity to be successful in school, so that they have the best chances of success later in life. Therefore, it is vital that no one takes away their opportunity to learn and to make progress in lessons.
Ultimately, most of our learners are respectful and keen to learn and so it is only the small number who disrupt learning for others who will be directly affected by these changes. As I wrote at the start of this letter, as parents/carers I’m sure you would all agree that stopping others from learning is neither fair nor acceptable. Thank you very much for your support in this matter. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s Head of Year.
Best wishes,
N Davies
Road Safety

Dear Parent/Carer,
After school yesterday a Year 8 learner was knocked down by a car as he crossed the road near to the Aldi roundabout on Nash Road.
Thankfully he is now home and recovering, having spent most of the night in hospital.
Can I please ask you to once again speak to your child about their safety on the way to and from school, whether they are walking, cycling or travelling by scooter (please remember that electric scooters are banned from school site and illegal on public roads). Of course it is not only on the way to or from school that this is a matter for serious concern.
You may find this resource from ROSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) helpful: https://www.rospa.com/media/documents/road-safety/teaching-road-safety-a-guide-for-parents.pdf
Having attended the scene yesterday before police and ambulance services arrived, the sight of one of our learners lying in the road is one I never want to experience again and I would ask that we all work together to continue to do our best to educate and guide our learners/your children about keeping themselves safe.
We will be addressing this issue again in tutor time in school and thank you in advance for your support also.
Best wishes,
Neil Davies
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