Dear Parents and Carers,
New advice came into effect yesterday, 28th March regarding self-isolation if a person tests positive for Covid-19. However, the guidance for schools has not changed and it is a requirement for learners to self-isolate if they return a positive test. Learners should self-isolate for a full 5 days from the onset of symptoms or a positive lateral flow if asymptomatic. Then take a lateral flow on day 5 and 6 and if both are negative they can leave isolation. This will be the situation until the 8th April which is the end of term. From the 8th April, is it advised that anyone with symptoms of Covid-19 takes a lateral flow test and follows the self-isolation procedures.
The routine asymptomatic testing using lateral flows is also due to end on the 8th April. Therefore, when we return to school on the 25th April we will no longer be issuing lateral flow testing kits. For a period of time they will continue to be available from pharmacies and to order online at https://www.gov.uk/order-coronavirus-rapid-lateral-flow-tests
Best wishes,
Mrs L Evans
Senior Assistant Headteacher